Kait Price is a Yoga Teacher and Holistic Nutritionist, and the Editor and Blogger behind savageOM. 

I was born in Toronto to a man and a woman so deeply in love it leaves you weak. At an age before memory, I fell in love with the ocean. My family took my sister and I, our cousins and other adopted little friends to Maine every summer where we danced on sandy beaches, and sang under the stars. Like savage little gypsies, we were celebrated for being wild and free. From summers of sun to winters of city cold, I drifted somewhere in between, moving from place to place collecting stories, experiences and friends that filled my world with mystery and laughter until landing here, back home, in the city that raised me, Toronto. I have an amazing family, the most savagely beautiful friends and an unwritten future to write. I spend my days dreaming of beautiful things, far away lands and elusive places. I practice yoga everyday and surround myself with love and inspiration.

savageOM was born over 5 years ago during a time of great personal struggle and transformation. As a devoted yogi, inspiration seeker and curious student of life, I knew no one was going to hand me a map laying out the fastest route back to happiness. No one was going to tell me how to find my feet again. It is up to us to be the captains of our own ships. To set our sails in the direction of the wild unknown and be fearless. Fearless in our love. Fearless in our truth(s). Fearless in the face of fear, doubt and uncertainty. savageOM is my love child.

savageOM brings together the untamable spirit inside of us, igniting our creativity, our desires, our senses, and marries itself with the most sacred spaces in our hearts and minds with musings on the ancient teachings of Yoga, Mediation and simple living. It is a safe place to land. To be inspired, to share, read, look, to evoke provocative thoughts, to wake up the dormant places of creativity within you. We believe in living outside the box, eating from the land, drinking coffee and savouring dark chocolate, wearing beautiful clothes, dancing in the moonlight, lying in fields, listening to music and the sounds of nature, we love shoes, clean lines, simple beauty and bicycles, we believe love is (almost) always the answer and above all, we believe gratitude feeds the well of personal happiness...

SAV~AGE savij/
adjective * fierce, wild, untamed, untameable 

OM ōm/
noun * a mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra.
origin Hinduism. Tibetan Buddhism.
Sanskrit: sometimes regarded as three sounds, a-u-m, symbolic of the three major Hindu deities.

The three gods, Brahma (god of creation), Vishnu (preserver of the Universe), and Shiva (god of destruction), represent the three fundamental powers of nature which exist perpetually. Creation is happening all of the time, as is preservation and destruction. The sun sets to allow for the moon to rise and in between day is maintained.

Love is the bridge between you and everything
~ Rumi

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